Wednesday, 30 June 2010

'Stupid' Diesel Campaign Banned

One of the Diesel ads that has been banned by the ASA. Copyright Diesel

Now I've never been a massive fan of Diesel, but you know I like their jeans and think their brand is pretty darn cool.

However, like FCUK before them, Diesel's new 'Be Stupid' campaign has cause a wee bit of controversy for the risque images featured.

Basically it's political correctness gone mad in my view. I think the images are funny, original and as The Guardian so rightly pointed out, award-winning.

They've been featured in magazines and on posters so far, but now the ASA (that's Advertising Standards Authority to you and me) has ruled that outdoor posters can no longer be shown in case they reach an "untargeted medium".

Kids have seen much worse than the image above in everyday life in my opinion. Hell they've probably done worse, given the level of anti-social behaviour that our country currently has.

Why stifle the creativity of one of the coolest brands around? Diesel's response to the criticism was that it was hoping to "tackle society's pre-occupation with 24-7 camera surveillance, yet in a light and non-threatening way".

If that was the thinking behind a woman flashing her boobs at a CCTV camera, then they must really think outside the box!

Check out the full campaign and its images on Diesel's official website

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