Thursday, 1 July 2010

Audrey Hepburn Named Most Beautiful

Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffany's. Screenshot from Screenplay Inc Trailer

You would think that Audrey would’ve won absolutely every style and beauty award going by now, but no- today she’s earned the title of most ‘Beautiful Woman of the past Century’.

To put it in perspective, Cheryl Cole came in at number two and Angelina Jolie at number four, so it was obvious why the lovely Audrey came out on top. I’m being catty, I know.

But I adore Audrey- not in a stalkerish, weird way you understand, more in an appreciative non-manic way. Seriously her style, grace and intelligence are what so many celebs today seem to be lacking.

I have her box set; she is my screensaver and I have around a dozen books detailing her style and her life. Ok, now you mention it, maybe that does sound a bit obsessive, but whatever, Audrey’s worth it!

I first fell for Hepburn in Tiffany’s and the love affair has continued from there- Roman Holiday, Sabrina, Charade and one of my faves- My Fair Lady. In each of these films she has stolen the show with her fantastic style.

Givenchy and Hepburn’s partnership through her career has been well documented; indeed one of the original dresses he made for her Tiffany’s debut sold for a whopping £410,000 in 2006.

I could watch that film again and again, on a loop 24-7 much to my boyfriend’s annoyance. Actually he managed to put up with My Fair Lady for two and half hours on the last Bank Holiday, before finally giving up and going to watch the football in the bedroom. Men aye?

Anyway back to Audrey and her super style- her cropped haircut spawned a lot of copycats- look at Carey Mulligan today, the epitome of the petit Audrey back in the day.

The truth is no-one can really replicate or replace Audrey, which is why today she is still celebrated as most beautiful, most successful, most fashionable.

Now if you’ll excuse me I’m off to munch a croissant in my evening gown, while staring longingly at the jewels Tiffany’s has to offer. You know, as you do…

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