This week's X Factor was the most entertaining for many reasons; Nicole from Pussycat Dolls made an appearance, a crazy lady with white blonde Gandalf hair took to the stage...oh and Chezza finally collapsed.
Then there was Savannah the bell ringer, Simon & Louis with their simultaneous giggle fits, Nicole's mucho posh outfits and the guy with who sang Gold Digger in more denim than should be allowed.
It was fab on many levels, although I did feel cheated after they built up Cheryl's malaria scare and dedicated all but 9 seconds to it!
Anyway, by far the most surreal moment was a stick insect with massive eyelashes taking to the stage towards the end of the show.
Now, I felt sorry for her, but others wern't so kind. Sure she overdid the tan, the make-up, the clothes, the hair (I could go on) but she could actually sing.
The attitude didn't help her, but she got through, so here's hoping she improves for bootcamp. By improve, I mean ditch all the fakery and let the real Chloe out.
My fave contestant had to be scouse Rebecca, who channelled Audrey Hepburn with her audition style. Looking stunning in a simple LBD, pearl earrings and necklace- she stole the show.
Bring on Bootcamp!!!!
life is good