Friday, 2 July 2010

Peter Andre's Next Chapter...

Peter Andre: The Next Chaper Copyright ITV

Very few shows make me LOL anymore, but Peter Andre’s new reality show managed it last night.

I’m resolutely team Pete in the whole messy saga involving him and his ex, Katie Price, but even I had to admit some parts of the show made me cringe a bit.

Firstly he came across as pretty vain, which is nothing new really but it was magnified in one scene in particular when he was dressing and then undressing for the day ahead.

God knows why but he went from a crisp white shirt and jeans to a skin tight Lycra top complete with cap, only to then feel a wee bit self conscious later on in the day.

So much so in fact, he headed to the nearest boutique soon after to check out the fancy designer togs. LOL

Given that this was a trip to find coffee, Pete seemed to be doing everything but, including sampling a slap up meal in a traditional tavern.

He then, bless him looked wistfully at wine and chips while repeatedly telling people he was on a new diet, so couldn’t have very much on the menu.

Pete, my dear you are perfect the way you are; don’t go down the faddy diet route- maybe get a stylist- but keep your bod the way it is please!

He then proceeded to do press ups in his room, after giving into the wine monster and then berated himself for not being able to do more.

I did feel for him at that point, as we’ve all done it; eaten something we shouldn’t and the guilt drives us into having a run at midnight, or something ridiculous like that.

The only difference with Pete is that there was a camera there to capture his every move- including falling off the cheese and wine wagon.

Earlier in the day he’d also tried his hand at Italian, which was hilarious to watch as his PA correctly predicted exactly what he’d do and say, right up to his humiliation at not being able to speak the lingo properly. LOL

Oh well Pete, not to worry- I still heart you and your unintentional hilarous mishaps.

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