Sunday 5 June 2011

Doctor Who Review: I can't wait for Autumn!

Doctor Who: Copyright BBC

This is something I have kept under wraps until now, but feel it's time to come clean... I am a massive fan of Doctor Who.

There we go, I said it. I'm a cult geek and proud of it! Last night's thrilling mid-season finale had me clinging onto my sofa for dear life, as the Doctor went to war.

Let's rewind a little bit. Last week ended with the shock that Amy wasn't Amy and hadn't been since the start of this series.

She was a ganger and the real Amy was about to give birth in a military hospital watched over my a creepy woman with an eye patch.

Fast forward a week and the Doctor is mighty pissed off. He tears apart the universe, calls in old favours and has Rory dressing up as a Centurion once again (as you do) because he is so angry.

Interesting way to show it, but still it was very effective. Once his companions took out the military, some monks caused a distraction and creepy eye patch lady once again fooled the Doctor.

That scene where Amy realised her baby wasn't real and that her child had actually been kidnapped was heart breaking.

But still the biggest reveal was still to come- River Song's identity. Now, call me a touch slow, or maybe I'm not as big a geek as I thought, but I did not see this coming.

I can't deny it was shocking and a great twist, but trying to picture it- the adult River Song talking to her younger parents?! Thank god we have the summer to try and figure it all out!

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