I wasn’t entirely surprised when this show was axed in the US- the third season lost my interest mid way through, and for someone who was an avid Betty fan before- that signalled the end for me.
Anyway, while Betty is still in business last night’s E4 episode was promising; Justin in Gucci, Betty claiming to be ‘tame’ in head to toe orange, Hilda’s hair pieces getting bigger and Marc just being as fabulous and flamboyant as ever.
Daniel even made an appearance and promptly informed Betty about an office blog detailing her wardrobe choices over the past three years, Genius.
I know Betty is about to get the mother of all makeovers by the end of the season (I’ve seen the US spoilers dontcha know!) so I’ll have to make the most of B’s crazy outfits for the next few weeks.
Last night’s offering certainly had retro Betty in mind- socks and sandals, leopard print, bright belts, clashing prints and a gorgeous red patent Mac laptop case. Since when did Betty get so chic?!
Cute handbags galore showed the new Betty starting to emerge and the whole caterpillar butterfly metaphor wasn’t lost on me either….although I did wish it wasn’t so blatant.
Meegan looks set to be Betty’s new nemesis in season four, while Matt (seen a handful of times during my brief season three dalliance) is sure to forgive Betty isn’t he?
While Wilhelmina works out some daughter issues, Marc continues to hate Betty- to be fair she did poison him with walnuts- and Clare has clearly been caught in the wind with that crazy hair do.
Then there’s Amanda who was suffering some shiny face issues last night, but Becky Newton is as OTT as ever- this is a character who I will never get bored of.
Bring on episode two- bigger, better and more Betty please!
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