Tuesday 27 March 2012

Guilty Pleasure: The Tube

The Tube under the spotlight!

I have a secret. The past six weeks I have been watching avidly, The Tube. No I don't mean I have been trainspotting in secret, I mean I have been watching the BBC documentary of the same name.

I ended up watching it by accident one evening and suddenly my blog about the tube staff being filmed one morning suddenly made sense. I have bascially spent the last six weeks sitting patiently waiting to be spotted.

Alas, it was not to be; me nor the very smiley train man featured in the end and that was a crying shame, because he really was the nicest guy wishing you a nice day on the platform no matter what.

Anyway, it was a very interesting programme about all aspects of The Tube, which have made me every so slightly more patient when delays occur, something which I suspect the Mayor and co. wanted to achieve by agreeing to be filmed in the first place.

By the end of last week I'll admit the show was running out of steam for me (get it?!) but the first few episodes were compelling. There are some weird and wonderful people out there in tube land, and by screening this documentary, we got to meet some of them. Brilliant.

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