Sunday 11 March 2012

Gossip Girl S5: OMG Moments!

I have been unusually quiet about my favourite show ever. Here we are in the home stretch of S5 of Gossip Girl and I have barely made a comment about how crazy it has been this year.

Well, no more dear readers! Here are my top 5 OMG moments so far in Season 5 of, to borrow the phrase from NY Magazine, the greatest show of our time...

Ooooh Nate: Copyright The CW

5. Nate as the big man: Pair Nate with Blair and you have fireworks, pair Nate with Serena and you have an impossibly beautiful couple on screen. Pair him with a guest star and we all get pretty bored pretty fast, so thank god this year they decided to give him a non-girl related storyline. Ok, so he had to go through getting it on with Liz Hurley in order to get to Editor of the NY Spectator and he's currently sleeping with Serena's cousin, but hey- he has never looked fitter!

4. GG is Georgina: Well, that was what we were lead to believe at the end of the 100th episode, which went down as one of the biggest surprises in GG history. Shame they went and blew it the week after by revealing she just hacked into Gossip Girl and was only pretending to be her. Having Whoregina back on a more permanent, trouble causing basis was nice, although as a long term star of the show, there is only so much crazy to go around.

3. Dan's rise and fall from fame: Suspending our belief just for one moment that Dan Humphrey could get to the top of the NY book charts for one moment and then is casually dumped the next was a great plot development for the underdog this season. Loved that he sacrificed his friends for fame, after working so hard for five years to actually fight his way in and not be deemed an outsider. Bless him that his current storyline will involve him being bad in bed with Blair as well- turns out you can't have it all Humphrey.

Blair and Louis: Copyright The CW

2. The Royal Wedding of the decade/Louis being a total ass: Wow this was an episode and a half to kick off 2012 in style. Did I see all the twists and turns coming? Hell no and that was half the fun. Chuck showing up to stop the wedding after Eleanor came to fetch him, Serena finally telling Dan how she felt, Georgina ruining the wedding and of course, Louis being revealed as the ultimate villain of the piece. I'm really sad it came to this, but after a whole season of him realising Blair loves Chuck, the worm finally turned and he totally screwed Blair over by marrying her and then heartlessly revealing he no longer has feelings for her. I actually cried at that part. Boo!

Finally! Copyright The CW

1. Dan and Blair: This has been my favourite storyline of the past year- two total opposites with great chemistry and banter that could rival the greats finally getting together. Their crazy airport dash after the wedding was fantastic, as was Blair finally realising what a great friend Dan was. What followed was Dan taking a chance and actually making a move and Blair surrendering to the fact that she had feelings for her BFF's former lover. Now they are officially together and are going to experience some sack troubles, it's sad to think they may not make it through to the end of the season. Of course, that does lead the way for a Chuck and Blair reunion!

What are your favourite moments of season 5 so far?

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