Wednesday 16 November 2011

Twilight Breaking Dawn: Any Good?!

I've never really understood the obsession with Twilight. Yes, I know I'm abnormal, but I'm also 24 years of age and not a screaming teenager girl, so forgive me for not going crazy over a vampire flick.

Only, here's the thing... maybe, just maybe I am a bit excited for the new film launching this week.

See, I watched the trailer, listened to my mates (Cathy & Stacey- you know you're obsessed!) go on about it for months and then I just happened to be at Stratford earlier today, where the London premiere was being held that night.

Girls screaming frantically, people with posters already glued to the barriers and a general sense of excitement proved very infectious. So infectious, I'm looking at pre booking my tickets now.

Having loved Twilight, hated New Moon and not bothered to see Eclipse, does anyone want to fill me in on the plot line before I go?

Something about vampires, right?!

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