Monday 16 May 2011

The one that got away…

The Apprentice: Episode 2

Apologies for my lateness in blogging on Wednesday night’s Apprentice, but I have only just caught up on the madness.

How the girls won for a second week in a row was a mystery to me, especially when they were led by the terrifying Edna.

The woman’s manic grin was enough to put me off wanting to listen to her ever again, and then, oh lord, those gloves!

Picture the scene, you’re pitching to young, hip kids and you prance around a stage wearing a dominatrix get up, talking so slowly that people are seemingly nodding off all around you.

It was one of the strangest pitches ever featured on the show- it was almost like she was trying to seduce them into downloading the app, only she didn’t explain how it worked or how to get hold of it. Oops.

Aside from the scary gloves moment, which will no doubt be parodied on the You’re Fired show at some point, the girls once again were dull, dull, dull.

Bring back Lucinda’s berets and bright colours- at least she wasn’t the stereotypical business bitch!

This week sees them trying to stock The Savoy with a few items they ‘forgot’ to buy. How convenient!

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