Thursday 19 May 2011

The Apprentice Review

The Apprentice: Week Three

For some reason they chose to do the negotiation task much earlier than previous years, and well for me, it didn't work as well.

Don't get me wrong, I thoroughly enjoyed seeing Gavin thinking a dry cleaners called 'Top Hat' actually sold them and Susan paying nearly £500 for rare tea, but still it was lacking something.

More Nick time perhaps!? His King of Tonga quote was hilarious and genuinely I have no idea if he was being serious or not.

My fave moment of last night's episode has to be the reappearance of Edna's gloves. I did not expect to see them again, but there they were being slipped on as she left The Savoy.

Maybe they are her business power gloves and she can't think without them on? Personally, they just freak me out.

Something else which had me agog was the orange face Natasha sported for the first half of the show. The tell tale sign of a jawline mark teamed with white hands was the first official beauty faux par of the series.

With all the 5am starts, I'm sure she's the first of many. My money's on Vincent being next, when he finally runs out of grease to slick his hair.

He kind of makes me feel a bit sick watching him work, a feeling which I'm sure is shared by many other females.

One of my favourite contestants however has to be the amazing Jim. To talk your way out of the firing line last week and then to convince a shopkeeper it was actually his idea to sell something cheaper was pure genius.

He will go far, until his sales patter trips him up and then he may well find himself in the firing line.

Next week looks hilarious... fake tanning, waxing and foot massages; Welcome to The Apprentice.

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