I’ve always loved vintage. Ok, that’s a blatant lie, but before you chastise me, what I mean to say is I’m a big fan and have been ever since my late teens.
There is nothing better than finding a unique piece all battered and bruised on a sale rail and giving it a new lease of life.
The high-street does a good impression of vintage, but when you see 10 other people wearing that cute antique style blouse, you start to appreciate the anonymity that true vintage gives you. It keeps people guessing…
Anyway my point to this post is this- Vintage at Goodwood is about to kick off in a mere two days and that my friends, is major.
I neglected to get my ticket in time (ahem sold out) so I will be watching from the sidelines- i.e. looking at other people’s blogs and sobbing.
You know it's going to throw up a celeb spot or two, so when the pics begin circulating I will be dissecting their outfits, style, what they bought and what they missed out on.
It is almost the same as being there… almost, or you know, nothing like it whatsoever.
Check out all the gossip at Vintage at Goodwood's official homepage
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