Sunday 9 October 2011

X Factor Live Show Onc... The verdict!

The X Factor: New Generation

I, like so many others plot my Saturday night around The X Factor when it rolls round this time of year.

So, wine in hand, plenty of snacks in reaching distance I was all set for last night to be just as compelling as previous years, but well, it kind of fell short of my expectations.

Maybe it was the never ending adverts, the two and a half hours running time, or the fact that some of the acts just weren't that good, but something was amiss.

The judges were great, if a little too nice (apart from Barlow that is, god he makes Simon look like a pussycat!) and there was too much of praise for other mentor's contestants and idle threats if they didn't put them through to next week.

As for the fashion clash- Kelly chose to go avant garde, while Tulisa played it safe in a gold number with glossy hair. My only criticism is the blonde parting she has going on at the moment- a comment on Twitter that this looked like dry shampoo, which hadn't been combed out was bang on the money.

And while we're at it criticising the hair, Kelly's normally lush mane was put in a messy bun that did absolutely nothing for her. Sacrilege! This woman is gorgeous, sack the stylist quick Kel, before all your good work so far is lost!

As for the boys, well Louis looked his usual elf like self, while Gary exuded a kind of sexiness which only a very secure man can do in tweed.

So, onto the contestants and my verdict on this year's final 16...

Amelia: Opening the show with a belter tune, it was good but not great and I fear she may be going home tonight, as the other gals nailed it. Bad peach hair and rough styling also let her down last night.

Johnny: Oh wow, diva alert. The public have really taken to him and I think Louis will put him through just for the sheer comedy value. Gary's right though, his voice was better than the song and as long as Louis realises he can actually sing and isn't another Wagner, he should be in it for the long haul.

Nu Vibe: No vibe more like it! God, they sounded horrendous despite being so beautiful. Think it's time to pack your bags, lads.

2 Shoes: Aww bless them. I do like these ladies a lot but they are not going to win this show. Points taken off for bad lipstick application as well- must do better next week.

Misha B: She is the front runner at the moment and will be in the final as long as the public keeps supporting her. I can definitely see her as a credible artist in the charts and boy, the girl has got fierce style to back it up.

The Risk: Oh, how I loved these boys last night. They were my favourites by a mile and they actually made my boyfriend sit up and stop twiddling his thumbs. Love them!

Sophie: Nice voice, but too bland for me. NEXT!

Frankie: I do not get the obsession with this guy. Maybe it is because I'm not a horny teenager, but he just hasn't got enough talent in my opinion to go all the way. That said, teenager girls will vote in their droves.

Craig: Awww this was a surprise for me, as I didn't think he would be interesting enough to keep my attention. Well, attention held most definitely- the best vocal of the night and a thoroughly nice chap.

Kitty: I have never warmed to her and I don't think the live shows will make me feel any differently. Lady Gaga she ain't and her attention seeking props and performances will only turn the public off more.

Rythmix: Interesting girl group here- they are very current and don't pose a threat to other girls, therefore they are likely to get the votes. Clever move, Tulisa.

Sammi: What a travesty this lady nearly missed out on a place in the live finals- Louis, what were you thinking! Great voice, but with Louis as a mentor I don't know how far she will go.

Janet: I'm not her biggest fan, but no doubt she closed the show beautifully. I'm still sore that Jade missed out on a place, but Janet's talent is undeniable. If only she would stop being so nervy and believe in herself, she'd be a favourite of mine.

James: I had to think about which one he was, which means an impression wasn't made. Sorry James, you are not in my top 5!

Jonjo: Gutted for him really. Louis should have given him a better song when he realised it wasn't working. The vocal was off and he was far too nervy- if it was the public vote tonight then he would get through on sympathy, as it isn't, he's the obvious one to go.

Marcus: That smile could light up a room. What a nice fellow and great vocal too. Can he go all the way? Hummm... remains to be seen.

What do you think? Am I on the money, or have I totally got it wrong? Let me know...

1 comment:

  1. Normally dont like wimpy characters bt really enjoyed janet. ADORED the risk and misha. Cath x
